Sailin Impala SM32N0100 MCU

Sailin Impala SM32N0100 MCU


The Sailin SM32N0100 MCU is a cost-effective low power SoC RISC-V microcontroller suitable for a wide range of applications.

It features a RISC-V RV32IMAFC CPU capable of running at up to 40 MHz from single cycle Flash memory.

The CPU features floating point and hardware integer parallel multiply and divide, and the compact instruction set which improves code density.

The 24 KBytes of RAM and 256 KBytes of single cycle Flash enable complex applications to be implemented.

6 independent prescaled 16 bit timers with 4 channels each, provide PWM control fully suitable, for example, for driving three phase H-bridges for motor control.

Key Features:


256 KBytes Flash & 24 KBytes RAM

Floating point

Hardware integer multiply & divide

40 MHz operating frequency

1.62V – 3.6V

6 Timers (16 bit) with 4 PWM & capture

4 SPI, 3 TWI, 2 UART controllers

Application market

Embedded control

Advanced motor control


Battery power devices

Smart home appliances